Shoe Scraper
Densely woven, very thin, great quality, attractive colors, creative shapes! No matter whether the doormats are in the entrance area, in front of the terrace door or under the desk. Due to the dense pile, they always have a high-quality look.
perfetto, Schuhwanne
Keilbach DesignprodukteRegenwetter! Nasse Schuhe! Wohin damit?In die Schuhwanne perfetto! Die wasserdichte Schuhwanne aus Edelstahl ist sehr filigran. Sie wird in 7 Farb...
View full detailsbravo
Keilbach DesignprodukteDensely woven. Super thin. Great quality. BRAVO! The doormat bravo has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to ...
View full detailsIndividuelle Maße
Keilbach DesignprodukteDensely woven. Super thin. Great quality. The doormat bravo has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep di...
View full detailsterrazza
Keilbach DesignprodukteFor the terrace door! The terrazza doormat is approximately as wide as a door, but very narrow. These proportions look very elegant in front of th...
View full detailsingresso, Schuhablage
Keilbach DesignprodukteEin Parkplatz für Ihre Schuhe! Das schlanke Format bietet Platz für 6 Paar Schuhe. In Reih und Glied stehen sie sauber und geordnet auf der ho...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteReduced to the max! The design icon among the doormats. The doormat has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteDer Schuhabstreifer der nicht aussieht wie ein Schuhabstreifer! Am Strand in Ligurien habe ich einen Kieselstein in einer vollendeten Form gefunden...
View full detailspoint
Keilbach DesignprodukteDensely woven. Super thin. Great quality. The doormat bravo has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep di...
View full detailsdue punti
Keilbach DesignprodukteAn interesting oval shape. Perfect under the desk! The doormat has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteThe striking leaves! The doormat leaf has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep dirt and moisture away f...
View full detailsbella
Keilbach DesignprodukteIt doesn't always have to be square! The doormat has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep dirt and mois...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteLike a polished diamond! The inspiration for the design was cut diamonds that get their brilliance from the facets. Cristallo has an independent ...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteSteine verlegen! Unregelmäßig behauene Steinplatten (Stein: ital. Sasso) werden ohne eine bestimmte Ausrichtung willkürlich verlegt. Unsere "Stei...
View full detailsamore
Keilbach DesignprodukteTo fall in love with! The doormat amore has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep dirt and moisture away...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteJust like bravo, but with an additional stainless steel button: BRAVISSIMO! The doormat bravissimo has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and ...
View full detailspicobello
Keilbach DesignprodukteSpick and span – or “picobello” as the Italians would say! The doormat picobello has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task b...
View full detailspicoBELLO.dog
Keilbach DesignprodukteWir lieben Hunde! Die Fußmatte picoBELLO.dog hat die Ausstrahlung eines hochwertigen Teppichs und meistert bravourös ihre Aufgabe, Schmutz und Feu...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteYou are WELCOME! The doormat welcome has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep dirt and moisture away fr...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteKeep straight on! The doormat straight has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep dirt and moisture away ...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteGrüezi! A greeting in the Swiss way. The doormat swiss has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep dirt a...
View full detailsflora
Keilbach DesignprodukteDensely woven. Super thin. Great quality. The doormat bravo has the appearance of a high-quality carpet and masters its task brilliantly to keep di...
View full detailscamino.dots
Keilbach DesignprodukteUltraflacher Schuhabstreifer! Der Schuhabstreifer camino ist ungewöhnlich minimalistisch gestaltet und wurde mit den begehrten Designpreisen Red Do...
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Keilbach DesignprodukteUltraflacher Schuhabstreifer! Der Schuhabstreifer camino ist ungewöhnlich minimalistisch gestaltet und wurde mit den begehrten Designpreisen Red Do...
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